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Help bring new defibrillators to Willington

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Willington Parish Council and residents have started acrowdfunding project for two defibrillators, one to be located at Willington Hall and the other at the Boot Inn.

They will be publicly available to anyone 24/7 (they are not for the sole use of those premises or Willington residents).

The link to our project page is

The proposed locationsare at the extremities of the parish, they have a high footfall of visitors and presently are without immediate access to a defibrillator. Therefore in terms of public safety the highest risk areas.

Access to a defib in under 3 minutes gives a patient a 70% chance of being resuscitated when it's used in conjunction with good quality CPR. At 5 minutes the patients chances drop to 50%. So it's important to have one near by and accessed quickly.

In rural communities like ours we would be fortunate to get an ambulance response in under 25 minutes, so it's very important that we are able to support a life while waiting. Willington have trained 1 in 4 of our adult population in CPR and the use of a defib and staff at the above locations have undergone 1st Aid training.

Another very important point to be aware of is that the Defibs will be registered to The British Heart Foundation's National database, which is shared with the Emergency Services. So when they receive a 999 call they can direct a member of the public to the nearest defibrillator. (It's no use having them if no-one knows where they are located).

We need to raise £3430 to fund this project, by the end of May, to receive match funding from the Cheshire West Crowd who are partnering with Spacehive. The total is currently £1,335.

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