For a while, KPC was talking to Cheshire West and Chester Council about the neglected area of land between pasture Close and Salters Brook. They owned the land and had indicated that they may be willing to transfer control of it to the Parish Council.
This could provide a great opportunity to create a new community green space, as well as improving the land for wildlife and environment.
Unfortunately, after 12 months of KPC's planning, research, and holding various meetings with Cheshire West Council, our supporters and other interested parties, CWAC gave us very disappointing news.
Stating that their strategic priorities are to support Climate change and Wildlife and Ecology, they have decided that our proposals for this site, will all have an adverse effect on the established site ecology and they could therefore not allow the community group to have the use of the land.
As owners of the land, their principal concern is that the Badger Sett is a substantial and longstanding habitat (+30 yrs) and is an established and major breeding site. They stated that they could not see any ways to mitigate the impact of any changes on the site, and therefore our intentions, low key or not, would risk adverse and unacceptable effects on the badger community.
Whilst none of the facts about the site are new, this is disappointing for KPC's aspirations to establish a new 'quiet' green facility for the village community. The good news for local residents is that Cheshire West's position applies to ANY development or changes to the site. Therefore, hopefully, any future building development on this site will not be allowed either.
We will now try to pursue our goals to improve green spaces in Kelsall in other areas. The village does need more open space -Since KPC acquired Kelsall Green, Kelsall has gained several hundred residents, and in the medium term, more housing development is bound to come our way. The Green is already a well used space and offers limited scope for more environmental or community uses.
Please let us know if you have suggestions for our shared green spaces, or would like to get involved in the project.