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Kelsall Parish Council
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Mission Statement

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Our Mission is to improve the quality of life and sense of community, of the residents of all ages, of the Parish of Kelsall, by maintaining and improving the physical and social infrastructure of the Parish, as far as it is within our powers, resources and abilities.

To do this, our Objectives will be:

Within the limited financial and organisational resources available to us, and the limited powers of a Parish Council, we will work to:

  • Maintain & improve the physical infrastructure of Kelsall and its parish area, to improve the quality of life of all

directly in the case of the Green, Playground, and other assets we own,
by working with others, for infrastructure outside of our control such as housing or highways.

  • Foster community cohesion and participation, by working with and supporting other groups, and improving opportunities and activities for residents
  • Initiate actions to bring people together, using our position as a public body (which allows us to apply for and hold funds, or own assets on behalf of groups of residents (eg, Kelfest)
  • Represent the views and needs of Kelsall residents to the Local Authority, and to the best of our ability, influence their activities & spending to benefit all local residents

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Kelsall Parish Council
© 2024 – Kelsall Parish Council