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Neighbourhood Development Plan

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The Kelsall (& Willington) Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) was developed between 2012 and 2017 by a group of residents and Councillors, with the support of the Parish Council. It was approved in a referendum of Kelsall & Willington residents in March 2017.

The NDP contains specific planning policies for our local area, which go beyond the CWAC Local Plan. For example, its policies:

  • restrict the density of local housing,
  • specify a mix of housing including enough smaller houses and bungalows,
  • make the allocation of social housing more local,
  • protect sandstone features,
  • mandate planting of trees on larger developments,
  • Introduce a settlement boundaryaround the built-up area of Kelsall where further housing development can take place.

The development of the new doctors' surgery and 28 retirement units (inc. 21 bungalows) on Chester road, was a direct result of the NDP policy allocating the site, the last remaining one inside the village suitable for development, for this specific use. Without this policy, the site would have been developed with 44 standard market houses.

A key limitation to the NDP policies is that they apply to housing development, therefore can shape or prevent development, but they cannot make other things happen, such as bringing new shops or having any effect on highways, parking etc.

You can read the NDP using the links below.

The NDP's success in bringing about the retirement housing attracted the interest a research team at Cambridge University. Kelsall was one of four sites in England for their 2019 survey into how neighbourhood Planning could contribute to creating age-friendly communities. This is a summary of their results.
They are now conducting a follow-up survey in Kelsall.

The Neighbourhood Plan superseded the 2007 Kelsall Landscape & Design Statement. The relevant sections are included in its appendices.

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