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Wildflowers & Wildlife Actions

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green daffsmeadow red

A group of residents has started working on local actions for wildlife and the environment.

Wildflowers on Kelsall Green

To start off, KPC has agreed to let a few areas at the edges of Kelsall Green go wild, ie. reduce grass cutting and plant some wildflowers.

We've now created two small areas for this, one near the pub's fence, and one between the ball court and the zip wire.

Other actions for the environment

We're also looking at other areas in Kelsall where we can plant for wildlife, or create outdoor community spaces.

We're starting a project to create some community mini-gardens on wasted spaces – click here for read about this.

If you're interested in joining this group, please contact cllr C. Deruty at:

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Kelsall Parish Council
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