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New Community Land for Kelsall?

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Introducing Kelsall's New Community Green Space project!

Can you get involved?

Kelsall Parish Council has started looking at the neglected area of land between pasture Close and Salters Brook. This is currently owned by Cheshire West and Chester Council, who may be willing to transfer it to KPC.

This would provide a great opportunity to create a new community green space, as well as improving the land for wildlife and environment. Parish Council ownership would also prevent any future sale to a developer and housing development on the site.

Read on to find out more – and let us know if you'd like to join the team to develop this great asset! Getting hold of the land is only the first step, and this project will only be possible with the support and involvement of a larger group of residents!

Since KPC acquired Kelsall Green, Kelsall has gained several hundred residents, and in the medium term, more housing development is bound to come our way. The Green is already a well used space and offers limited scope for more environmental or community uses.

Our aim is to create a natural looking space accessible to residents, while protecting wildlife. At approx. 1ha, the site is large enough to support some actions benefiting nature, such as planting trees, creating water habitat along the brook – as well as areas the community could use for outdoor education, allotments, community gardening, and other uses linked to supporting mental health in the outdoors.

The project would also add some parking on the site to avoid congestion on Pasture close.

We would like to hear your views on what you think are the best uses for this site:

  • Protect existing wildlife or improve habitats, including along the stream
  • Wellbeing in nature activities for residents ; Some of this could be organised through the Wellbeing Hub and their social prescribing role
  • Space for outdoor education such as bushcraft skills, gardening, woodland management, for school or adult groups
  • More allotments for Kelsall residents
  • Tree planting
  • Community gardens or orchard

Please let us know if you have other suggestions for the space, or would like to get involved in the project. We will keep you informed of our progress.


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Kelsall Parish Council
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