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We are recruiting

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The Parish Council should have 9 councillors but we are currently down to 5.

If you have spare time and energy, read on!

We have many activities, and even more projects, but we need more can-do residents to join us to make all this happen!  We would welcome people to either join as councillors or get involved in one of the working groupswe manage.

Please look through our website to find out what we do – but as a quick summary:

  • We own & maintain Kelsall Green and the playground, the allotments and smaller green spaces
  • We are planning a big event on the Green to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee, Kelfest on 11th September. 
  • Based on feedback from residents, we are also working on better facilities for our young people (together with the Wellbeing Hub), and putting adult gym equipment on the Green. 
  • We have set up a Community Speed Watch group
  • We are looking to acquire more public green space in Kelsall
  • We are creating a new website for Kelsall 
  • We don't control highways, parking, or planning permissions, but do work with Cheshire West to achieve better results for Kelsall

In the past we have also coordinated a team of volunteers, when the first lockdown started to make sure that anyone who had to isolate could get the help they needed. Before that we helped secure the site for the new Medical centre including the Wellbeing Hub, and the retirement housing.Without the efforts of the Parish Council there would be no Green, no children's playground, no well-used pathway around the green, no lighting across it, no new Medical Centre, and no influence on what and where developments are allowed in the village.

We can do more with your help – if you think things could be better, come and help us make it happen!

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Kelsall Parish Council
© 2025 – Kelsall Parish Council